June 23, 2009

How to Pick a Milestone

How does one pick a Milestone? I have a couple to chose from...I'm not sure what to chose as THE milestone right now, so I'm going to celebrate them both! The first big milestone was getting the insurance company to approve my surgery, then getting the surgery done. Now that I'm on my way, I'm ticking pounds off a couple here, a couple there. It's nice to be able to add them up...forty at last count. I finally made a keychain that I'm trying to keep updated after each weigh-in (please forgive me if I get behind, Jasmin) because I needed a tangible reminder of how far I've come because I just couldn't see it in the mirror or in the clothes yet. It's getting a little easier to see the changes now. Anyway, back to milestones. The first big one is a nice round number of 50, in between hundreds - not the total I've lost but the actual weight - a weight I wasn't sure I'd ever see again dieting. This milestone is only 5 pounds away. The second one is 50 pounds lost (I don't want to find them again) and this one is only 10 pounds away. I think there's some serious celebrating that will have to happen here in the very near future as both of these were places I really didn't ever think I'd see again. Big dreams starting to come true leading to even bigger dreams taking root. Thank you to all who have been supporting me through all of this. I couldn't have done it as easily without you!