June 3, 2009

Chartreuse: the new Blue

I'm tired of blue this week and I'd like to make an argument that the new blue should be chartreuse, aka BRIGHT LIME GREEN (substitute favorite color as necessary). How in the world can anyone be blue when you have that color staring you in the face? During weeks like this, I'd surround myself with this color (wacky mental picture of stapling chartreuse roving to the walls of wherever I happen to be) so I couldn't be anything but happy. Such a cheerful color wouldn't allow for tears, sad thoughts or frustration with your boss's "don't do as I do, do as I command you" attitude. It would make everything okay. Yeah, so I don't live in that color-perfect world. But, isn't it a lovely thought? Maybe I'll paint the walls in the spare room this color (toned down just a bit, or not) so when I walk in to get yarn from stash or whatever reason calls me into that room, I'd have that mini-refresher. I hate times like this when tears are on call at a moment's notice for no reason I can find or understand and everything just feels wrong. I keep hoping that I can go to sleep at night and the next morning whatever this is will be gone. So far it doesn't seem to be working and just existing is getting rather annoying. None of the normal rituals that have worked in the past seem to be cutting it...maybe there really is something to this whole green thing. ;)

1 comment:

Jasmin said...

I couldn't agree more. I offer you, Exhibit A, the Poison Green twist.

You should see the retina-searing pink koigu I bought yesterday.