August 4, 2008

FO Alert!

Wow! It seems like such a long time since I've been able to say I have a project finished, knitting or otherwise. I've been challenged by some of my knitting projects and have had an itch to quilt. So, I pulled out one of the quilts that was partially quilted, added the binding and finished quilting it. Yes, an FO!!! The story behind this quilt makes me smile. I'd just spent a weekend with my roommate and a friend's oldest daughter at a craft retreat at Mt. Hermon. My roomie was at the picassiette class and Tammy and I were, of course, quilting. So, heading off the following weekend to find more fabric to complete a project that I had already set some fabric aside for, my roommie and I went into my favorite local quilting store. There were a few women there who were also buying fabric. I found what I wanted and was waiting to have it cut when the girl who worked there, stopped mid-cut on the fabric she was preparing for one of the other ladies, and whipped off her sweater. Of course the normal menopause jokcs started and we were all laughing. To the comments of "power surge," "hot flash," and several others, my roomie says, "I prefer to call them personal mini tropical vacations." So, here I am, holding all this tropical fabric. One look and we all burst out laughing. And so the quilt was named.

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